Monday, November 30, 2015

How Social Media Has Changed Non-profit Marketing

By Ramon Garcia

The idea that social media has changed the way we reach people is true, but it is not a simple concept to understand.  When a leader in an organization can understand what is the meaning of the "change" in our marketing efforts, then we can start looking at meaningful ways to use this media to effectively reach people.
So what is the change? The change is not just in the surface. Using Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube is different that the other most traditional media, but that is not the change that we should be focusing on. The real change is the new enriched communication with people or potential supporters. In the past, that is before social media, communications were only one way. We would talk at people and hope that it would awaken some type of consciousness that would make them supporters. The real value in the change social media brought is in the fact that now we can create partnerships with two way communications. The real change is in the loss of control and being in a better position for it.
Your cause, organization, services, your brand are no longer yours alone. Now you have many potential supporters and partners that can help you understand the message and the significance of the work you do. Through social media, people can help you construct and discuss all that pertains to improving the lives of your communities.
People influence the way others will see you. They can become influencers of others if you can structure a healthy engagement with them. Those people are heard by other very quickly and easily.
You need to be prepared to loose control and have many spokespeople rooting for your cause. The question is, are you ready for that? I know that a thousand thoughts flow trough your mind about how someone with little knowledge of your cause can say the wrong thing and create an immense problem for you and your community. To counter this possibility you have to be ready to educate and redirect in a meaningful way. Clearing up misconceptions and being committed to healthy dialog are some of those things that social media has brought on to leaders in non-profit organizations.
Social Media is a new way of connecting with the public. Social media can help you gain supporters that will be loyal and committed to you. With this much leverage comes responsibility. Social Media is a new way of marketing and cannot be done if you and your organization are not ready to dedicate the necessary time engage in meaningful conversations.

Resource: Content Marketing for Non-profits by Kivi Leroux Miller The Jossey-Bass Nonprofit Guidebook series.

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