Friday, October 30, 2015

Episode 6: YouTube Ideas 4 Internet Marketing

by Adrienne V Romero on 10.30.15

Episode 6 - Ideas from YouTube Videos and the person behind the video (Alaia Williams), and the advice on her own blog on her website (

Long Term Relationship Marketing

We’re not prospecting or hunting or farming. We’re selling products and services within long-term relationships.
That realization helps not only your sales and your business – but it should extend into your marketing life, and the way that you conduct your business. You should be getting more from each sales prospect and at each point of contact between your business and every customer.
Very often, offline sellers will look exclusively at how online-only sellers are doing it.
This is a relatively grave mistake, because unbeknownst to lots of offline sellers, online-only sellers have learned the really important tricks of the trade from offline sellers – not the other way around.  We’ll look more closely at human sales people below but first, take a look at what the stone age of Internet selling looked like. Bring your club.
“Ye olde sales funnel”
  1. Website site visit
  2. Inquiry email
  3. Follow up email
  4. Purchase
And maybe sometimes, they’d include something more after the sale.
Sales funnels can be a lot more elaborate, but ye olde sales funnel is entirely focused on a one-time sale. You miss out on all the good stuff including repeat sales and 99% of the people who wanted to buy but weren’t ready to do so quite yet.
One-time sales cost a fortune compared to second, third and repeat sales.
And even hesitant, or not-ready-to-buy now customers (99% of your contacts?) go right back to being cold-call, expensive-to-reach nobodies. That’s not a good sales and marketing plan.

The Sales Funnel in the Age of the Repeat Customer

It’s also the age of the repeat visitor, the acquaintance and the only passively interested customer. That’s where your sales are, not in the cold-call stratosphere of the Internet and the mass market.
Repeat customers (and all of the above) are the secret to offline selling that Internet seller had to learn. What those offline sellers had expertise in – and that online sellers have studied endlessly – is one thing: environment!
Marketing is always about establishing and maintaining an environment of trust. Even lots of experienced marketing people never learn this. Sales people may do it – but many of hardened sales pros don’t know that what they’re doing is “marketing.” But many sales people are the very best marketers in the world, far better than marketing teams and commissions and departments. Sales people live and breathe marketing, and that’s precisely why some industries continue to rely on a human sales team. No one does it better.
Sales people do marketing by talking, asking questions and listening.
The new re-conceptualization of the sales funnel is designed to listen better, communicate better and to draw customers into a pattern of repeated use, inquiry and value exchange. The more you learn about your customer the more you can contribute to that customer’s well-being. Maybe not surprisingly, bricks and mortar stores had – and have – a distinct advantage when it comes to establishing the environment where that can happen.
Think about it. Customers come in, they ask questions and they learn about solutions. Sales people ask questions and provide answers and strengthen human relationships, and the good ones know that their customers will come back.
Duplicating that kind of sales funnel online can mean a lot more simple interactivity.
It can mean more informative content – and it can quickly grow into programs or apps that help your site to make suggestions based on past purchases or inquiries.  The more important goal though is to always keep prospects and past customers in a circulation, living and prospering, but stopping back in from time to time and always remembering your name and recommending your business.
Your personality, that is, your brand should be more attractive than an ant picking up aphids and herding them around. But filling out your brand – so that it lives and breathes like a personality – can take a lot more involvement. Such a strategy requires that involvement.
At the same though, this kind of sales and marketing plan doesn’t have to be extremely expensive. It doesn’t even need to be very technological. Some of the best and most cost-effective sales and marketing strategies involve a better mix of incentives to visit a physical location with incentives to return online – or to stay in touch. In most cases, it will involve a lot more communications, information and information exchange.
I found videos on facebook, twitter, and other social media sites.  In just an hour or so of researching online, I was able to learn so very much on my own.  The internet is the new wild west frontier....or as on Star Trek, the new frontier.....I am amazed that the playing field has been leveled by the internet for small business owners, if one has the time to learn from all the FREE insights and advice of other people in similar positions or from the large corporations, such as very much is available to the disadvantaged and the advantaged at this time in history living in any country that provides technology options for the public....just go to a public library in Santa Fe and learn all one needs to learn about internet marketing for FREE!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What Comes Next?

By Anthony Mathews

So you've chosen to market yourself over the internet. Now you're wondering how should you go about doing so. Don't worry many people need help and a friendly point in the right direction when it comes to internet marketing. Deciding what sites to use for your content is huge! You need to pick a site that fits to what you're doing. If your content is a video you can not go wrong with YouTube. YouTube allows you to post videos and choose tags for your video as keywords that will allow people to find your video for searching certain content. If you are starting a blog a good site to use is WordPress or Blogger. These sites allow you to post word content such as a news blog or politics. Here you can write your blog and save the draft for when you think it will be the best time to post it. One site that is great for anything and allows you to even promote yourself by buying a promotional spot on their site is Facebook. On Facebook you can create a page and invite all your friends to like it. There is even a place to promote your page and it will appear on other people's timelines to like and share your page. Once you have chosen where to share your content you must choose a way to tell more people about it. As mentioned earlier Facebook gives you the option to share your page and get people interested in it. Another thing you could do is promote yourself through your social media sites. Asking friends to check out your page and see the things you're posting. Send them e-invites to view your page. Also begin advertising your work on a site that may be similar to your work. On YouTube many people ask to be checked out on other video comments adding a link to their page or a video they posted. Once you begin spreading the word about your page, you need to post content to keep your followers and viewers coming back for more. A post a week may be too little but posting too often could make your information seem like it has not been thought out. A regular posting schedule would be about 3-4 times per week. You should try to keep your postings on a regular schedule. Making it easier to follow your works and keeping your content fresh. After you've begun posting and your page grows you should look into using smaller sites to grab the followings of those who may not use the site you're already on. For example, Facebook users could begin a Twitter account to pull in more followers. By marketing your content over the internet your reach is practically endless. The name "world-wide web" is a literal definition of the possibilities of online marketing. 

'The Network'

'The Network' 

By: Clinton Ellison III

           'The need for collaboration, effective leadership, and focused effort are common themes found in any successful organization. When applied properly, these elements can foster long lasting, meaningful professional relationships, develop individual skill sets and become the essence to any functional network.'

- 'Leeroy Brown'


            Any group project that I've ever been involved in (successful or failed) has been dependent upon the ability of group to function as an effective cohesive unit. (...of course, this is subject to how one defines success or failure in any given circumstance....).. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to be able to get a group of talented, creative, strong-minded individuals to move towards a common goal. Let's face it, WE ARE ALL ONLY HUMAN and from time to time our passion for our own ideas (ego) can compel us to act out of personal interests rather than staying the course for the group's sake....Sometimes the belief that our ideas or processes our superior to those around us can cause dissension and creative differences ... But friends, if you are able to get past that and sacrifice self serving interests for the greater cause, the possibilities are ENDLESS...

          During my time as a student and business professional, I have taken in many ideas and concepts from various sources. A common theme that I was able to diagnose from a business, theological, and sociological perspective was this notion that all considerably great accomplishments were undertaken by a group (or network) of people who had the same thing in mind. Various concepts like: Meg Whitman's (current CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise) 'Power of Many' to Steven Covey's '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' all the way up to Napoleon Hill's idea of the 'mastermind principle' all highlight the importance of effective collaboration and concerted effort towards a common goal. Even if the general perception (or credit) isn't evenly distributed throughout the contributors, great feats aren't generally accomplished by one individual. This could not be more true when it comes to internet marketing..... UNDERSTAND THIS... this may have the potential to be the best piece of content ever created; but without you and your people and their people, and their people... and SO ON.... this is just a collection of words in a database. WE GIVE THINGS RELEVANCE!!!      

           Internet marketing and modern business hinge up on the idea that everybody needs to know somebody that knows somebody. BUT... just knowing isn't's only the start.. Actively maintaining those relationships and ensuring that we can reciprocate some sort of value to those relationships allow us to get the best from those we choose to work with....

More to come ... STAY TUNED.......


Episode 5: A Podcast approach possibility

Assignment 3 (con't) by AdrienneVRomero on 10.27.15

Episode 5: A possible podcast approach



  1. a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.


  1. make (a digital audio file) available as a podcast.
Here are some photos and a video taken by Ana, the founder of W21, of me being filmed for a prototype epidsode series for my website:

SONARescuela is my sole-proprietorship that helps manage Warehouse 21 Staff via professional development projects/responsibilities.  I also culture global professionals via a work-study program at Santa Fe High School and Mandela Charter School.  I mentor El Dorado Community School enrichment classrooms in Unidad Productions/Promotions workshops.  I mentor Lance Wilson & Chris Pacheco for the youth component of the annual Indigenous Fine Arts Market in identity education and the Musicians Tribe Concert Program, bringing in musicians from the reservations to perform at W21 during IFAM weekends. 
One of the bands (the following posters where made by this band for the concert at W21) was interviewed and photographed by The Santa Fe Reporter for the edition dedicated to the traditional Indian Market Weekend.  opps...I apologize for not remembering the name of the band......they were the best young people to feed and get to know......they spent the night in Santa Fe and recorded in the morning and helped make street signs in the afternoon and then played the show that night and then spent the night again in Santa Fe and then headed back home with all their equipment...such dedicated musicians!!!!


This is how I am going to start my internet marketing.
  1. I am going to build my website "" and have each of the episodes for this civic talk show produced every two weeks.  Sonar's Civic Unity Youth Team will be interviewing people with substance in our community to create the pod cast.
  2. I will collect emails from anyone who is interested in helping build this program, because the pod cast is created by the students selected for my work study program.
  3. We will connect the dots using email addresses to eventually build a profile for our market(s) of subscribers and as the data initially for market research purposes of the initial sample group.  Statistics is especially useful in drawing general conclusions about a set of data from a sample.
British Dictionary definitions for statistics 



(functioning as pl) quantitative data on any subject, esp data comparing the distribution of some quantity for different subclasses of the population: statistics for earnings by different age groups
(functioning as sing)
  1. the classification and interpretation of such data in accordance with probability theory and the application of methods such as hypothesis testing to them
  2. the mathematical study of the theoretical nature of such distributions and tests See also descriptive statistics, statistical inference


    noun, Statistics.
    a numerical fact or datum, especially one computed from a sample.

That is enough of a start for me to focus on currently....but the world of internet marketing is just like the wild west.....lots of possibilities and resources. :) blessings, Adrienne


Episode 4: The Time Organization Recipe/Formula

Assignment 4 by AdrienneVRomero on 10.27.15

The Recipe or Formula for
Time Management & Self-Organization

Step 1:

So I started first by organizing my administrative studio by organizing myself based on a diagram I had created in the summer.

This is a design I created to understand my life, I call it the "reason for my life".  It is the typical Chicana rose design.  It is structurally close in design to the Zia symbol,
 but with softness.....perhaps a more feminine version.
This design has the center as "self y familia",
  • then the north petal is the tone I want be establish of my life - the soundness level,
  • the east petal is the resources needed including $$$$,
  •  the south petal is the schedule & structure of habits/rituals,
  • and the west petal is the belief that frames my decisions. 
The design on the bottom right corner is the degrees of separation similar to LinkedIn degrees of separation for people/contacts with me being at the center.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ plus
Step 2:
I then looked at my life as a business that I need to run.  I started with the question "how do I organize my time, because it is time that I need to do what I need to do".  I get overwhelmed sometimes and then it is so difficult to just keep my home duties done on time.
I made from a circular frozen pizza board a pie chart of all the time I have in this life currently in a yearly quarter and sectioned it off into parts related to my waking hours.

I came up with a weekly schedule of hour
s available to complete all that I need to complete.
  • 20.5 hours to be a quality mom to my son
  • 35hours to work for a living
  • 5 hours to produce/promote SONARescuela, my personal for-profit youth resource business
  • 20.5 hours to take care of my health and my direct familia
  • 4 hrs to be with extended famila and closest friends
  • 26.5 hours for taking care of my home, doctor appointments, groom animals, etc.
Step 3:

 Then the To Do Board was created. The Navigation Screen. 
I again divided my four major roles in my life based on the "reason for my life" Chicana rose design & degrees of separation from Step 1 on a circular pizza board.  I placed the circle in the middle of a pushpin board and then used small papers with each of the items I need to deal with asap that relate most to each of the four sections.

The four directions included:
  • Being a Person again: a Woman, a Lady, a Mom, a Tia, a Sister, a Niece, a Prima, etc.
  • Having a quality Familia home again for the children of my bloodlines
  • Career/Vocation/Life's Mission's Work: Protecting Traditional NNM ways of life & living
  • Paying Job for necessary cash flow...the financial bloodline
b.  I then decided on which to do items were the most important and listed them on a white board in three different sections to organize my week and day.

  • The Today section is at the top.
  • Me & our home To Do section is on the left
  • My role as a Tia section is on the right, because that role in my familia is the most important priority currently
c.  Both the pushpin board and the white board are now my Navigation Screen and my captain's chair is my desk chair.  I can look to my right when I need to know my direction & responsibilities quickly when I have to make major short- and long-term directions.  Since most of my work is admin currently, I have all that need at my desk & in my office to have easy access to finding (now that I am getting organized) for both statistical data, product development, productions and promotions, and most importantly.... social networking via a social media campaign.
Step 4:

I designed a two week schedule, because my routine runs on a bi-weekly schedule.

Adrienne's Nexus of Control Method & System
to continue my work as an artist, mom, familia protector, and non-profit administrator serving


Episode 3: Making Time & The Apology

Assignment 3 by AdrienneVRomero on 10.27.15

The Apology....

Ramon,  I apologize for not posting sooner.  My life has a full plate and I am doing the best I can trying to do all that must be done to keep my familia together.  Gracias for keeping this blog alive for our team....a true leader.... a quality leader.

So...this is my question?

How does the artist, film-maker, "make time" for her/his film? Film-makers have the computer full of free and affordable options for creating films makes making a film affordable for certain genres.  Administrators also have the digital tool to use to help make the it easier to keep the doors of our business stay open. 

This class is fun to me, because I am inspired by my team and the team Judy is working with....both blogs in a classroom dialogue relationship provides real time resources has made the blog world interesting to me.  If I had more time, I would have really enjoyed Assignment 2 and Assignment 3. I believe that there were many ideas I learned already  from both blogs, but the two ideas that caught my attention were the two management ideas that I need to master as a means for me to make time for being a mom again, which is more important to me obviously than internet marketing.  Yet, internet marketing might be the vehicle eventually that provides me the time to be a mom again.:)


This video was my effort in organizing both my time and my office as an extension of personal life mixed with the organization of my creative and professional sides of me.  I felt all the things in this video are items  and tools that were needed for me to achieve my life's mission and accordingly all these items and tools are all housed in a very small office.

Before I organized my room........I studied the idea of "time" and built a tool (more like a mathematic formula of time) based on the direction of my career path for me to decide where I will decide to spend my time during my waking hours with enough sleep to be productive in my day.  In Episode 4 after this video.....I will share the tool that I made for myself to gauge my time commitments for a business quarter in a math equation.  This tool is the last thing you see in this Episode 3.

Monday, October 26, 2015

'48 Hour Film Project'

******GOOD MONDAY TO YOU ALL..!!****

I submit this at the tail end of a successful project I recently had the opportunity to take part in......


The 48 Hour Film Project was in Albuquerque on 10/16 - 10/18.... (please visit their website for content, updates, information etc... )..

- Understand; I never considered myself as a film maker or acknowledged the fact that there is a community of dedicated and skilled directors, actors, photographers, screen writers and designers in my home town. The above mentioned project changed my perception of what is and what is possible....I was give the tremendous opportunity to meet a serious diverse group of talented people and establish some beautiful relationships (I am looking forward to sharing their perspective with you all in the very near future.. more to come on this.. ... STAY TUNED......) 

Until now, the skilled group of people that I was fortunate enough to team up with for this project have never explored (in depth) other aspects of content production, outside of music. This project forced us to exist outside of our comfort zones and think 'on our toes'. In our second collaborative effort, we were able to secure a couple of awards for "Best Sound Design" and "Best Graphics". Though these achievements are modest, in this case, they speak volumes to the importance of effective communication and team work. I am truly grateful for dedication and contributions of each person I had the opportunity to work with on this project and look forward to future collaborations.......

The film making community in Albuquerque, New Mexico (from my eyes) is an eclectic group of people with tremendous skill sets, attention to detail, attitude, abilities and potential.I recently had the pleasure of meeting some of these individuals and having a number of  meaningful conversations. I was truly blown away by the existence of a thriving community of talent and levels of creativity that exists in the 'Duke City'.

I cannot wait to share more of this experience and more with you in the coming days.. .

......NOW.. FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE..... OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION (since we're now legally allowed to share it with the general public)

                                  'This Film was made for the 48 Hour Film Project'



Clinton Ellison III

Sunday, October 25, 2015

5 Things to Know before Creating your Facebook Page

By Ramon Garcia

Setting up your Facebook page for success requires understanding and commitment. Here are 5 things that could seem intuitive, but in reality work against you when choosing this platform to connect with your audience.

1. The more posts, the more likes you get.
No. This statement is false. Any one would think that the more active you are of Facebook, the more your audience will engage. The fact is that to make a successful connection with your audience you should focus on quality, not quantity. Your content should be driven by information that educates, or provides resources. If you dedicate your self to post a lot of content that may be uninteresting and/or not sincere is the reason why people will unlike your page and migrate else where. So be original, thoughtful, and careful. Post relevant and authentic content on a regular basis. Remember "less is more" when using Facebook as an engaging tool.
2. Everyone sees your posts.
Although we would like to imagine that everyone in your audience will catch all the valuable information you post; the reality is that it is not likely. Facebook has set tools in place to encourage brands to use their advertising tools. Only 1% of your followers will see your posts, unless they are "boosted" (paid for). Unfortunately, Facebook is not free any more and the reality is that if you want to have a significant presence of Facebook, you will have to pay.
3. The work is done when the content is posted.
Don't believe that all you have to do to engage people is post meaningful content. You can set your posts to automatically upload, but you can't ignore what goes on everyday in your page. Remember that Facebook is an excellent platform for engaging your audience. If you post content, and leave for a few days, you will find that people may have liked it, or commented. It does not stop there. You have the responsibility to be present and respond to your audience as soon as they start engaging in your content. Your audience want to experience your brand and the best way to do it is to respond to their comments and likes. They like to see that you are alive and ready to have a great conversation with them.
4. Facebook will attract your audience by the virtue of the Facebook gods.
May times we think that by having a Facebook page, we will engage more people. No as omnipotent as Facebook may seem, it is still a single tool in your marketing tool belt. Facebook should be a part of an integrated effort that includes your website and other marketing materials. Focus on giving your audience a consistent experience through all your marketing and social media channels.
5. Be social on Social Media
Yes. Please. No socializing or engaging in social media is like going to church and not praying. You must remain engaged with your audience. You would never tell someone about all the wonderful things you do in your organization, and then turn around and leave them behind, right? Always be aware of time and respond to all of the people who take the effort to comment on your posts. By doing this you are showing them that you are present and ready to walk a long path with them.

When you set up your organization's Facebook always be ready to create interesting, authentic content, set some money aside to start boosting your posts, be organized and keep up with your content, tell everyone in other channels you are using to go "like" your page, always be ready to have a conversation and engage.

Resources: Marketing Like I'm Five, Mani Zarrin and Tommy Mendes, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Three Pilars for Cultivating Relationships Online

By - Ramon Garcia

     Initiating relationships online could be difficult. No. Stop. I am not talking about a dating relationship. What I refer to, are those relationships that will continue to sustain your mission as a non-profit.  Non-profits have the privilege, and the challenge, of addressing social problems across their service area. This would set you up to have a well established relationship with an individual donor who cares about the social well being of their communities. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. As organizations that carry the duty to restore some aspect of society, non-profits also have to give something to those who would support them.
     Long term relationships with donors have to be established, maintained, and enhanced so that then they could be materialized into support, whether it be financial or voiced. The foundation of a good relationship is to have a promise of fulfillment. Yes. Everyone in the relationship, including the donor needs to feel that they will get something out of giving. Most often, what donors that look to support a cause, are looking for a good feeling. However, it is not enough to give a good feeling, they also want communication.  They want to know how their actions impact the well being of society. How can you know exactly what your donors want if you are not listening? Luckily we have social media that puts non-profit in a position of listening.

How do you start?
1. Share information. Tell everyone what you are doing in a way that appeals to them. Make it about your audience, the work that you do should raise their levels of empathy to the work you do. Donors have to understand what you are doing to improve the quality of life of their communities.
2. Give experiences. Make their stay at your site, social media, or any other channel a pleasant and memorable one. Do things that make it easy for them to donate, like taking credit card transactions. Don't put too many restriction on ways they can contribute to your cause. Make it fun with animations, automated thank you notes. etc.
3.Collabotate. Guide them through conversations that enhance their reward for giving. Listen to what they think and give feedback realistically. Ask for their opinion on your next big fundraiser. Involve them in some decisions. Collaborate with them on things that are related to your cause and you can fulfill.

     These three pillars of will help you make long lasting relationships with your stakeholders. Everyone wants to understand, experience, and collaborate.

Ref: E-Marketing 7th Edition.

Monday, October 19, 2015

What the Message?!

By - Ramon Garcia

     Have you thought about what message you send out to the people you want to support you? How many times have you really stopped to consider what is the message you are sending each time you post something on your Facebook page, or the news paper? Believe it or not, many of us send out messages to our potential supporters constantly, and most of the time our message may be far from what we really want to say.
     Consider this. An organization that provides emergency services for Domestic Violence victims, sends out a mass email with the intention of creating a fundraiser for the benefit to victims of violent crimes. The message reads: "Our Organization Needs Your Help Today." What would you do if that email reached your inbox? I personally would delete it without opening it. Sometimes our messages alienate our audiences. This message is focused on the organization and not the recipient. In other words, this organization is self-centered.
     Sending out messages that are self-centered or narcissistic will drive your audience away in record time.  In the example given, the only portion that speaks to the audience is "Your Help" and further more with pressure to act "Today."  This message does not appeal to any emotions, feelings or desires that the audience may have. We wish that people would help because it's the right thing to do, but realistically people want to help because it will make them feel good.
     As you construct your message make sure you consider what your audience will be feeling and is more focused on them.  In this case I would suggest to change the message to something like this: "Your contribution will change someone's life." Followed with an ample explanation of how you will facilitate that process.  Your messages to your audience will build loyalty to your cause, don't make them all about your organization. Give your audience the good feeling about improving the quality of life of your communities.

Resources: E-marketing 7th Edition. Getting Attention Blog

Tuesday, October 13, 2015



I hope this finds you well and I thank you, in advance, for your time.


I grew up in an environment where creativity, athletics, academics and performing arts were all encouraged. I am the 3rd generation of Clintons and my son is the fourth….the first generation of my namesake (grandpa) and his wife produced 8 children, all of which were either musically or athletically inclined. As the siblings grew, they created and produced numerous works of art as well as offspring (….kids) and so the cycle continued…Call it sibling rivalry. Or… friendly competition (family descent) but for whatever reason, ‘the clan’ could never take their creative pieces and produce a collective body work or tangible product…..


Currently, I work full-time as a sales professional at a Fortune 50 corporation. The duties and pressures associated with the occupation require a great deal of mental energy and time during the week. (DON’T WORRY, WE’RE NOT EXPLORING THAT IN THIS DOCUMENT)

I am a husband, father of two and full time graduate student. Prior to my decision to return to school this semester; I made up my mind that going forward, I was going to be an individual that ‘creates a living’ off of my existing abilities and that my main initiative while finishing up this degree program would be to make practical use of course content. …
…Throughout my time on the planet, I have been fortunate enough to publish a small body of musical recordings...The below references a small sample.. 


WARNING – the following content contains offensive language and mature subject matter.

Originally released in 2008, What a Job is the story about two aspiring youths navigating their way through the hostile "game". Seemlessly narrated...."Leeroy Brown and Stop the Press deliver a classic".....One for the ages...LEGENDARY

A prequel to the highly anticipated Broke(n) Dreams EP, this mix is a collection of rare freestyles and unreleased original content. Stop the Press and Leeroy Brown tell the story of dreams: some broken and some soon to be realized...


OMG is a rare collection of freestyles and original classic material. This body of work is sure to inspire youngsters and old heads alike. "Semi-aggressive lyrics with a sexiness that eludes comprehension


The frustrations from balancing the artistic side of things with the business aspect can really stifle the creative process. This observation comes from my own personal experience… The works above represent a previous mind set and potentially outdated views (both social and political) but the content exists, nonetheless and even though I don’t particularly care to be a performing artist any longer, it would be disrespectful to the art itself to simply disregard it…

… AS MUSH AS THE WHOLE CORPORATE SALES GUY as a part of my reality has been bothersome as of late, I still continue to learn so much from so many on a daily basis.. 


Competition- In the traditional sense, my competition is every other ‘independent’ advocate (especially as it pertains to the independent music scene)… my approach here is to provide publishing, producing, recording, administrative and otherwise general consulting services for individuals who are really good at what they do (chefs, professional gamblers, musicians, independent practitioners)…

Quite Candidly, I don’t think my experience is deep enough to cover all those bases just yet…but my recent stint with my current organization helped me to identify some of my greatest attributes (assets)…

-         Emotional Intelligence

-         The desire to learn

-         Ability to motivate others and adapt to multiple personalities

Go Ahead Strategy - There is a lot more material that isn’t represented above that I still plan on publishing, solely for the purpose of identifying distribution routes, and revenue models, fan bases, and resources available to independently produced content.
Countless hours and resources, have been exhausted… numerous frustrated spats with my significant other… and emotional out pour have all been a part of the pieces represented above. … To not explore the viability of being able to convert that into a monetary gain in some capacity would be a crime…… I imagine this is a common theme for my previously mentioned family members so I apply that logic when compiling and post producing the heaping amounts of previously produced yet unpublished musical works.
…..I have the blessings of all involved in the current phase of operations to organize compile publish and promote the material (literally dozens of individual works) described above at my discretion. To be able to publish already existing works quickly adds to my portfolio…

In the long term, I hope to relate some of the aspects described in my initiative to monetize my family’s music in to other industries and businesses…I have cooks… accountants… private practitioners …. And professional gamblers (… I know..) that I have done official (and unofficial) business plans and strategy assessments for…  As a finance major, I have never been as excited to start a course as I was after the first day of this Internet Marketing class… I am looking forward to being able to apply the knowledge that is being kicked my way and incorporate it into my own successful business strategy for the ‘organization of me’.. 

AND... I'm open to sharing suggestions and best practices... 


- Clinton Ellison III